Saddest moments in our lives. |
Our amazing Tigra - VICKY Sentinel 19.04.2004 - 07.11.2015
We only have memories, tears and a horrible pain. Thank you for being with us for those 11 years. All we can do is hope that you're happy now across the rainbow bridge, playing with other dogs and that we'll meet you there one day.
We'll always remember you and we love you very much. You'll always stay in our hearts.

Unfortunately, one beautiful girl COOKIE (brindled with wide white markings) was born dead (probably due to the twisted placenta).
Even though we tried to reanimate, her heart wouldn't start beating again.
We hope that she can be happy across the rainbow bridge. Always in our hearts.

On the 21st of august 2009 we lost a beautiful boy COME TOGETHER.
He died due to neonatal pneumonia. From 18.08 he's been in an incubator in a clinic. He's been observed by great vets and he was improving. On the 20th of august around 6 pm I picked him up and brought him home. He was eating and his temperature was taken every 15-30 minutes. In the morning he got worse again. Unfortunately, he passed away when we were driving back to the clinic. We tried to resuscitate him but nothing helped. He died in my hands.
Running a home kennel gives you some amazing happy moments, it's also hard work 24/7 with puppies, and those horrible moments when a little innocent puppy like this one dies.
Always in our hearts.

On the 1st of August 2014 we lost a beautiful boy HEROS. His heart stopped a couple of hours after birth. Veterinarian was massaging his heart, but unfortunately he passed away.

On the 3rd of August 2014 we lost a lovely HIRO.
We fought for his life for two days and we failed. We bought special equipment and we've been monitoring him the whole time.
Helplessness hurts most.
