It's been said that Papillons are dogs of kings and artists. Their history as among one of the oldest. It's not exactly known where they come from, however, there's a story that they were brought to Jerusalem by a prince Godfrey of Bouillon as a trophy from a crusade.
.....The French started to appreciate Papillons around 1530s together with Catherine de Medici. Catherine's son greatly appreciated them. King Henry III of France was known for always having one of his Papillons beside him. His dogs couldn't have been bigger than a male fist. There is also a legend about king's assassination. Apparently, the assassin arrived dressed as a monk to the court. King's dog started wildly barking, unfortunately the king didn't listen to his dog and threw him out of the chamber, later he was murdered.
.....This sad story made French monarchs appreciate Papillons even more. Continental Toy Spaniels were favourites of many French kings, including Henry V, Louis XIII, and Louis XIV. Official chief mistress of Louis XV, Madame de Pompadour, was also charmed by those dogs. Apparently, Marie Antoinette adored them so much that they even accompanied her way to the execution.
.....Unfortunately, during French revolution, Papillon's population significantly decreased. Dogs were associated with aristocracy and were killed by revolutionists who wanted to destroy any memory of past royalty.
.....Over centuries, Papillons lived on many European courts. They were also one of the most commonly pained dogs. Giotto painted them back in XIII century, although, those dogs didn't resemble current Papillons much. .....Since Renaissance till XIX century they Papillons were portraited by most famous painters, such as Clouet, Veronese, Memling, Rubens, Watteau, Greuze, and Fragonard.
Papillons were mostly famous among European royalty, and only in XIX century they became appreciated by other classes.
.....Creators of the breed's standard based it on Titian's "Portrait of Clarissa Strozzi" from 1545. Hence, they started calling the perfect spaniel "Vecelli type" form Titian's last name, Vecelli. .....Continental Toy Spaniels has been documented in writing since 1545. Hence, we know that they originated from Dwarf Spaniels, that arrived in Spain from China.
.....Papillon and Phalene are a very old breed. Their big jutting ears can be attributed to their spitz ancestors (Pomeranian or Schipperke). This cross was created in Belgium to strengthen the breed, as by then, there were not many continental dwarf spaniels left. Resulting breed was adored due to their huge ears.
..... The name Papillon is a French for a butterfly. The name comes from their characteristic wide upstanding ears. Another variety of a continental Toy Spaniel, Phalene, comes from a French word for a moth, as their ears are also wide, but down-facing.
..... Belgian Continental Toy Spaniel kennel club was created in 1933. Later, French-Belgian congress decided that the breed's origin will be of French-Belgian. In 1934, phalene's breed's standard was created and registered by FCI three years later. However, Phalene were separated much later in 1955 thanks to a great work of Swedish breeder. Unfortunately, now Phalenes are not very common, and when they occur they tend to be smaller than Papillons. Furthermore, they don't often have, the characteristic white arrow-shaped mark on their heads.
"Clarissa Strozzi" - Tycjana